When we talk about the financial-accounting sector is self-evident that, under the same umbrella, it brings together important issues special related to the professionalism of a certain entrepreneurial activity. The accounting is the starting point of any commercial activity, and it cannot be held without a minimum support from a team specialized in this field.
We, Green profit professional team, know the importance of financial and accounting aspects and that is why we offer our knowledge and professionalism to any customer whose specific need is this. We have been around for 15 years in the financial-accounting, during which time we have developed, so we could be able to cover the entire range of services that an entrepreneur might need, whether he has just started out or is in booming entrepreneurship.
We are a dynamic, integrated team, and professionalism is our business card. We are dedicated to our work and serious when it comes to our knowledge. We are full of ideas and always looking forward in helping our customers and putting before them current information and a team ready to respond positively when requested.
We are proactive and we understand the customer’s needs to feel protected when it comes to NAFA controls or other authorities’ control. We are vigilant and we offer individual legal advice, designed to protect their businesses and help them grow in a harmonious way.
We are up to date with the information in our field, and this makes us better at what we do. Moreover, we have not only limited ourselves in providing accounting services, but we have broadened our range of services covering every need: taxation, human resources, debt collection, recovery VAT, synthetic tax records, setting up trading stock companies or PFA.
The importance of these services is evident especially in the current economic climate. Any entrepreneur, definitely needs assurance when it comes to his own business, and we are those who ensure that the safety criteria is covered in terms of finance and accounting. We are well organized and provide customers with the necessary data they need, in order to fully understand the importance which financial data has in an economic activity.
We believe that what we do adds value to your activity and so we try every day to be the same dynamic and proactive team, that we created initially, with the idea to serve our clients’ interests and welfare of their businesses for their increase and their development.
We are here for you and always try to bring a new spirit in this apparently static area. If you are looking for a complete team in finance and accounting field will invite you to learn more about our services and of course contact us to set an appointment!
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