Are you looking for a talented accountant?



Green Profit - We handle your accounting! In accounting, although it seems that everything is…


When talking about taxation we  should know that this service is probably one of the…

Human resources

A very important component of a company aimes specifically within its staff and, of course,…

Tax Revenue Statement

The tax revenue statement has became a big challenge for entrepreneurs, being the only one…

Debt Recovery

The business sector is challenging and sometimes driven by the desire to grow our business,…

Establishments/liquidations of companies, stock companies and PFA/II

When you want to open your company momentary enthusiasm can be easily replaced by the…

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    About Green Profit

    When we talk about the financial-accounting sector is self-evident that, under the same umbrella, it brings together important issues special related to the professionalism of a certain entrepreneurial activity. The accounting is the starting point of any commercial activity, and it cannot be held without a minimum support from a team specialized in this field. We, Green profit professional team, know the importance of financial and accounting aspects and that is why we offer our knowledge and professionalism to any customer whose specific need is this. We have been around for 15 years in the financial-accounting, during which time we have developed, so we could be able to cover the entire range of services that an entrepreneur might need, whether he has just started out or is in booming entrepreneurship.Read more →

    About Green Profit


    Contractele de tipul Time-Share

    Contractele de tipul Time-Share

    Societatea „Împarte Timp de Calitate”  dorește sa desfășoare activitate de tip time share , activitate reglementata prin OUG 14/2011. Aceasta cumpăra clădiri in scop turistic-investițional , in locații de top , pe care le vinde per apartament sub forma de pachete de una sau doua săptămâni către clienți persoane fizice. Practic aceștia dobândesc pe viată […]

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    ANAF anuntă măsuri pentru sprijinirea mediului de afaceri

    ANAF anuntă măsuri pentru sprijinirea mediului de afaceri

    Agenția Națională de Administrare Fiscală (ANAF) anunță că, în această perioadă, avându-se în vedere contextul economic dificil cauzat de răspândirea infecției cu virusul COVID-19, a pregătit o serie de măsuri pentru sprijinirea mediului de afaceri, cele mai importante fiind: suspendarea sau, după caz, neînceperea executării silite a creanțelor bugetare. În acest sens, nu se mai […]

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